Performance of the ST Monad with Pure Exceptions

Posted February 20, 2016 ‐ 8 min read

The ST Monad provides a venerable method in Haskell for writing stateful imperative code. Writing such code, in contrast to the non-stateful approach, is sometimes better. Some algorithms are better understood or better illustrated with states, and another reason is increased performance. The difference between ST and IO is important, because when we implement an algorithm, we only want to deal with the internal states and not bother with side effects that don't belong to it. Allowing stateful algorithm to remain pure under ST, gives way to better code generation by the compiler.

Some algorithms are better written with Exceptions. For example, an algorithm for validating an expression tree may be such one. However, one needs to be aware that exceptions in pure code can only be caught in IO, unless pure exceptions are used. We can use these pure exceptions under a monad transformer, but then we need to verify that there was no significant loss in performance. We suspect that the CatchT transformer would provide us a zero-cost abstraction, being a newtype. But how well would GHC succeed in optimizing away the transformations?

Fibonacci that throws, for kicks

First, let us look at the example for ST brought from the Haskell Wiki, which presents us with the stateful implementation of computing the n-th Fibonacci number:

fibST :: Integer -> Integer
fibST n =
    if n < 2
        then n
        else runST $ do x <- newSTRef 0
                        y <- newSTRef 1
                        fibST' n x y

    where fibST' 0 x _ = readSTRef x
          fibST' n' x y = do
              x' <- readSTRef x
              y' <- readSTRef y
              writeSTRef x y'
              writeSTRef y $! x'+y'
              fibST' (n' - 1) x y

We would like to test the performance of pure exceptions. So, let us have a slightly modified version of it, being a modulo of Fibonacci using Int. The change of type from Integer to Int would be better for us when measuring performance, otherwise the run would have spent time adding really big numbers in each one of the loop iterations.

We will use this new Exception type,

data MyException = MyException Int
  deriving Show
instance Exception MyException

... and modify the function in various ways:

  • Have the caller use runST.
  • Change the type signature bear Int and be under ST.
  • Add a throw to some exception along the way.
fibMod  :: Int -> ST s Int
fibMod n = do
    if n < 2
       then return n
       else do x <- newSTRef 0
               y <- newSTRef 1
               fibMod' n x y

        fibMod' 0 x _ = readSTRef x
        fibMod' n' x y = do
            x' <- readSTRef x
            y' <- readSTRef y
            when (n' == 1000) $ do
                throw $ MyException x' -- not a pure exception (yet!)
            writeSTRef x y'
            writeSTRef y $! x'+y'
            fibMod' (n'-1) x y

We have yet to add a catch anywhere. The problem is that we cannot have a pure function in ST doing catch, because catch :: (Exception e, MonadCatch m) => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a. If we try to use catch, we will get the error No instance for (MonadCatch (ST s)).

To solve, we shall use the ST monad with CatchT. First, we define STCatch type synonym for a short hand:

type STCatch s a = CatchT (ST s) a

Now, let us create our fibMod_E variant, which is under STCatch, and modify it to use pure exceptions, thrown using throwM. We will also add a catch wrap, which will fix fibMod_E to return -1 on the thrown exception. The catch is conditional, so we can see its effect depending on the use.

fibMod_E :: Int -> STCatch s Int
fibMod_E n =
    if n < 2
       then return n
       else do x <- lift $ newSTRef 0
               y <- lift $ newSTRef 1
               fibMod' n x y

        fibMod' 0 x _ = lift $ readSTRef x
        fibMod' n' x y = do
            x' <- lift $ readSTRef x
            y' <- lift $ readSTRef y
            lift $ writeSTRef x y'
            lift $ writeSTRef y $! x'+y'
            when (abs n' == 1000) $ do
                throwM $ MyException x'

            let recurse = fibMod' (n'-1) x y
            if n <= 25000000
               then recurse
               else catch recurse (\(MyException _) -> return (-1))

Can we degrade an ST exception back to an IO exception? Yes! Using the following function, that requires the RankNTypes extension for its type signature:

-- | A variant of `runST` for STCatch that turns all _uncaught_
-- 'throwM' exceptions back to exceptions thrown in `IO`.
runSTthrowIO :: (forall s. STCatch s a) -> a
runSTthrowIO action =
    case runST $ runCatchT action of
        Left e -> throw e
        Right r -> r


Now we are ready for testing. We will use the following utility, depending on criterion:

timeIt :: IO () -> IO ()
timeIt act = do
    let w'act = whnfIO $ catch act err
        err = (\e@(MyException _) -> putStrLn $ "caught: " ++ show e)
    t <- measure w'act 1
    putStrLn $ "Total time: " ++ show (measTime $ fst t)

We shall test with various recursion depths, on the two fuctions under discussion:

main :: IO ()
main = do
    putStrLn "------ With lots of catches"
    timeIt $ print $ runST        $ fibMod   50000000
    timeIt $ print $ runSTthrowIO $ fibMod_E 50000000
    putStrLn "\n------ With just one catch"
    timeIt $ print $ runST        $ fibMod   25000001
    timeIt $ print $ runSTthrowIO $ fibMod_E 25000001
    putStrLn "\n------ With no catch"
    timeIt $ print $ runST        $ fibMod   25000000
    timeIt $ print $ runSTthrowIO $ fibMod_E 25000000

And the result is:

------ With lots of catches
caught: MyException (-5541175486947481557)
Total time: 0.6768422469031066
Total time: 1.5523557260166854

------ With just one catch
caught: MyException 5934185968946882193
Total time: 0.32111207104753703
Total time: 0.7558517289580777

------ With no catch
caught: MyException 4809429493926266912
Total time: 0.32045713800471276
caught: MyException 4809429493926266912
Total time: 0.26791215199045837

The first two results are of no surprise. Both the if and catch incur their overheads. The last result is more peculiar, because it suggests that the code for fibMod_E emanated from the compiler is even faster, despite of the if, as long as there are no wrapping catch's in the evaluation. The difference probably boils down to the generated machine code, but I'd leave that to a topic of a different post.

A few extra tests

(edit: added March 2, 2016)

Edward Kmett pointed out on Reddit that perhaps it would be interesting to test with unsafeSTToIO. So I've added the following cases (and also regenerated the results above, because every little change can affect the optimizer, and they varied slightly).

    putStrLn "------ With lots of catches"
    timeIt $ (unsafeSTToIO $ fibMod   50000000) >>= print
    putStrLn "\n------ With just one catch"
    timeIt $ (unsafeSTToIO $ fibMod   25000001) >>= print
    putStrLn "\n------ With no catch"
    timeIt $ (unsafeSTToIO $ fibMod   25000000) >>= print

The additional output is:

------ With lots of catches
caught: MyException (-5541175486947481557)
Total time: 0.5766234899638221

------ With just one catch
caught: MyException 5934185968946882193
Total time: 0.2883113300194964

------ With no catch
caught: MyException 4809429493926266912
Total time: 0.29055844293907285

For the first two cases the result are around 11% better than the pure runST. Interestingly, for the third one runSTthrowIO still wins.

An even more drastic approach is to use unsafeIOToST and unsafeSTToIO in conjunction, modifying the original fibMod, allowing to freely insert the less pure IO-based catch while keeping it in ST only from an API's perspective. It's not entirely sound in terms of exception handling, but it is worth presenting.

fibMod_H :: Int -> ST s Int
fibMod_H n =
    if n < 2
       then return n
       else do x <- newSTRef 0
               y <- newSTRef 1
               fibMod' n x y

        fibMod' 0 x _ = readSTRef x
        fibMod' n' x y = do
            x' <- readSTRef x
            y' <- readSTRef y
            writeSTRef x y'
            writeSTRef y $! x'+y'
            when (n' == 1000) $ do
                throw $ MyException x'

            let recurse = fibMod' (n'-1) x y
            if n <= 25000000
               then recurse
               else unsafeIOToST $
                       catch (unsafeSTToIO recurse)
				       (\(MyException _) -> return (-1))

With the prints:

    putStrLn "------ With lots of catches"
    timeIt $ print $ runST        $ fibMod_H 50000000
    putStrLn "\n------ With just one catch"
    timeIt $ print $ runST        $ fibMod_H 25000001
    putStrLn "\n------ With no catch"
    timeIt $ print $ runST        $ fibMod_H 25000000

However, it does not improve on our cases:

------ With lots of catches
Total time: 3.401594614959322

------ With just one catch
Total time: 1.2730798620032147

------ With no catch
caught: MyException 4809429493926266912
Total time: 0.30070900300052017

The first two cases are considerably worse, and the third is still a bit better than using STCatch, but it's not a representative of the common case where catch is probably going to appear in the evaluation at least once. Final conclusion is that pure exceptions are still a win, if we wish to remain sound.

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