
2022-05-23 Proper use of Git tags
2022-02-21 The SQLite SET-AND Gotcha
2020-10-23 Gitology #2 - git-retext
2020-10-16 Gitology #1 - git-flip-history
2020-09-04 Path Trimming In Nightly Rust
2020-02-01 Tracking Linux Kernel Sources of Distributions
2020-01-25 A stack-less Rust coroutine library under 100 LoC
2020-01-14 How to Easily Patch Fedora Packages
2016-02-20 Performance of the ST Monad with Pure Exceptions
2015-04-06 Toward Better GHC Syntax Errors
2012-07-02 Extending Monads for Debugging in Haskell
2022-06-02 Putting Tests in a Separate Git Repo